Golf: A Rewarding and Enjoyable Hobby

Sunday, September 25, 2023

Entry #1

 Golf: A Rewarding and Enjoyable Hobby

            Hello fellow classmates, Hobbies are an interesting thing since everyone is so different and can enjoy different things. That is what is so incredible and interesting to think about with human nature- everyone is different. One interest one may have, could be someone else's worst nightmare. However, I think there is one hobby everyone can relate to loving- golf! 

        Golf is much more than just a sport, it is a leisurely activity that is the perfect mix of physical activity, mental challenge, and social interaction. It's a pastime that blends all this making it a truly inclusive and accessible hobby for all- it does not matter age or physical shape. One of the reasons golf is such a great and fun hobby is because it allows individuals to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. There is nothing like the morning smell of the greens on the course, and feeling that slight breeze (not in the summer of course here in AZ).

             Another compelling aspect of golf is the mental stimulation. Unlike some high speed and competitive sports, golf requires strategic thinking and precision. Every swing requires concentration, and composure. As you navigate the course, you'll encounter various challenges, from avoiding bunkers to reading the greens accurately. You could play the same course 100 times and could get a different outcome each time because of different variables such as weather, mentality, etc. This mental engagement can be both rewarding and addictive. Having golf as a hobby will have you continually strive for self improvement, it is a means of setting personal goals and enjoying the sense of accomplishment when you see progress.

            Golf is a social hobby that allows connections with others. It's an ideal way to spend quality time with friends, family, or even make new acquaintances on the course. The relaxed pace of the game allows for meaningful conversations and camaraderie, creating lasting memories with all. Whether you're sharing a normal round with friends or participating in a tournament, golf brings people together, which creates bonds that extend beyond the 18th hole. Whether I am golfing with my dad and brother, or just with friends I am bound to always have a fun time. 

            In conclusion, golf offers a perfect blend of nature, mental challenge, and social interaction, making it an excellent and enjoyable hobby. It can be appreciated by individuals of all ages and skill levels. So, whether you're a seasoned golfer or a beginner, there's no doubt that golf is a rewarding pastime for anyone who tries it. 

Getting a hole-in-one my sophomore year of HS!

Creating friendship and walking the course even with the competitors at my HS State Tournament in Tucson.


  1. Hey Ross! I love the way you explained how golf has its own unique value. I never saw it this way until now. You are definitely right, it does require a lot more focus than other high-speed sports. It's cool that you have a great passion for this hobby and I hope it continues to bring you joy. Any beginner tips for someone who wants to learn golf for a hobby?

    1. Just a lot of practice, first thing to learn is how to hit the ball relatively well. If you really want to learn, starting with some beginner lessons can be very beneficial. Once you have those lessons, work on the things you learned, that's kinda how I started. Golf is a very rewarding sport to those who are patient and work hard to get better, it kinda sucks in that way but it's fun once you get really good.

    2. Reading through your blog Ross has brought back many fond memories when I went golfing in the summer for many years. Many times I tried to put into words just the kind of challenges and mindset that goes into playing golf and you perfectly explained it all in your blog. Enjoying the nice breeze and playing through a golf course is always such an experience and it's fantastic to see others enjoy the exact same.


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