Entry # 2: Movies Vs. Books

 Sunday, October 1st, 2023

Entry #2

Movies Vs. Books

    When it comes to the debate about movies versus books, I think movies have that factor over books that can not be compared. Books are great in their own way, however movies just have that extra something that makes it a bit more superior. Movies are a staple in my everyday life for not only enjoyment, but it also could be for entertainment purposes as well. 

    First off, movies are more visually exciting than books. There is no denying it. Movies set the scene for you in a way that just is not possible with books. Sure, books can go into fine detail with words, but it doesn't truly depict pictures for you in the way a movie can. Not only do movies give the experience of beautiful scenery, it also has special effects, and it allows us the audience to see the creative aspects of a story that can be hard to imagine when you're reading a book. Movies allow the audience to know what the creator really wanted its depiction of the story to be. It is like being transported to a whole new world right in front of your eyes without having to actually imagine anything. 

    Great movies also allow the audience to feel emotions. Whether that be laughter, sadness, happiness, you name it- when you watch a great actor, you can't help but feel what the characters are feeling as if we are in the story too. The combination of all the elements is what makes movies so amazing and the audience is transported and are able to feel what the characters are. Movies allow emotional connection with the characters that books don't always achieve.

    Plus, movies are more time-friendly that can be enjoyed with others. Reading a book is a big time commitment that can take hours, days, or even weeks if you have a busy schedule. It also is not an easy task to enjoy the same book with someone since it is a more personable activity. Whereas movies can tell the story in a couple of hours at most, which makes them easier to fit into everyday lives. 

    Books are great too, don't get me wrong there is something so great about how our minds are able to comprehend words to imagine a story in our minds. However, just to compare the two; movies have greater elements that makes it the superior choice. Whether it be that the pictures are greater, the emotional connection between the audience and the characters, or just the fact it is only a couple hour commitment, watching movies are the better option over reading a book.




  1. Ross--Your blog is looking pretty good so far. You have some interesting topics and content, and you have some visual engagement. Consider playing with your layout and design so that your images/links/videos are mixed into your text to create more interest all along the way. Keep developing and analyzing and connecting to your audience to create significance for them. Good work! Keep it up!


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