Entry #8: The Amazing Foods of Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 19th, 2023. 

Entry #8

The Amazing Foods of Thanksgiving

    Hello my favorite bloggers, with the special event coming up so soon, I would love to talk about the best foods to eat for thanksgiving, and my personal experience throughout the years of my life for Thanksgiving and my personal and least favorite foods to eat on that special day! 

   Essential Thanksgiving Foods for an Incredible Dinner

    Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, I’ve always loved how it brings family and friends together, to have a fun and good time for one day having one big meal together! I also love how thanksgiving is a day to be grateful, and how it can bring new people together, overall thanksgiving is one of the best holidays in the year! 


    But for the food, when I have them during my celebration, I can say some of the food are hit and miss. Some can be very surprising, and some can just be total failures. One key way to figure out if something was good or not is to see how much of the food is left over after the eating. 

green bean casserole with crispy onions – smitten kitchen    

    Obviously the one focus of Thanksgiving is the turkey, but quite honestly the turkey I usually eat is pretty dry so I try to avoid it, but some years it can be very good! Now to talk about the honey ham, man it is always so good, if you are at the function for thanksgiving and see the ham, do NOT shy away from it, I swear I’ve never eaten bad ham at thanksgiving, it’s always delicious. One of my favorites my cousins bring are the scalloped potatoes, the creamy sauce that they put on it can’t be beat, it’s always so delicious! Now, mashed potatoes and gravy is a cult classic, how can anyone seriously not enjoy this combo?? But for me personally, I’ve never been fond of stuffing, it’s always been so weird and gross so I just don’t even eat it. Now this may be a hot take, but I personally think crispy fried onion green bean casserole is one of the best dishes at Thanksgiving, it’s so tasty I love it so much. And obviously Mac n cheese is always delicious, but depending on who makes it, it can be either really good or really bad. These are the main things I usually will eat at Thanksgiving, some things I avoid are the cranberry jam, I just never have liked it. But the desert I always and I mean always will choose pumpkin pie with whipped cream, nothing can beat it, but with that I think that’s all the food I can think of.

    Maple Brown Butter Pumpkin Pie Recipe - Budget Bytes

    I hope all of you have an amazing time with your family, always cherish the memories you spend with them, and always be thankful for the food being served. Thanksgiving is an amazing time to think of all the ways you are blessed in life, and I hope you all have an amazing Thanksgiving, have an amazing time celebrating with friends and family everyone!



  1. I love chowing down on thanks giving, last year i was given the task to cook a turkey and it came out great. however I prefer holiday ham as well.

  2. This post is making my mouth water. I'm so excited for Thanksgiving! Happy holidays!

  3. I looooveee Thanksgiving food! This time of the year is my favorite because of all the good food and all the time we get to spend with our loved ones. I absolutely love potatoes. If I could eat only one thing for the rest of my life, it would be potatoes in any form! I'm glad to see someone else enjoys the food as much as I do!

  4. I love thanksgiving too!! It's always a good time getting to spend the day with our family/friends surrounded by AMAZING food. My favorite is definitely ham and mashed potatoes with gravy. You absolutely cannot skip the pumpkin pie!


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