Entry #9: Antibiotics In Animals

November 26th, 2023.

Entry #9

Antibiotics In Animals 

    Hello fellow readers! I hope you all had an amazing thanksgiving and had amazing delicious food with family and friends. But that brings up my topic of the week, the stuff in the foods you eat. Did you know many farms put antibiotics and growth hormones into feed for animals to have faster growing times with less time being alive, which can be deadly for those who consume it. 

Is Antibiotic Use in the U.S. Livestock Industry Declining? – Food Tank

    With this, I wanted to discuss why we should come together to ban the usage of antibiotics in the food industry, and here is a video to explain some major points as to why. 


    This video explains why antibiotics should not be in food and should never have been in the first place. The antibiotics in animals have formed an antibiotic resistant bacteria, which when consumed will have no cure with antibiotics, leading to the deaths and sickness of many. This is a very large concern, for reasons like the health of humans, but also concerning for the animals that are being used with these things, when no animal DNA should be altered to make the time growth shorter with things like this. Overall, this should also help with what you buy in grocery stores, and to make sure the distributors are not using antibiotics in the food you eat, or else it could be deadly. 

Can China kick its animal antibiotic habit? | Farming | The Guardian

    I hope you all had a good time reading about this, I found it very concerning, and I think you should act on making the cause of no more antibiotics in food. Thank you for reading and have an amazing week!



  1. It's interesting how much industrialized farms have to rely on antibotics because of the monocultures that occur in them. But it could be avoided if farmers go back to imitating how it would work in nature on their farms. This would help not only people's health after consuming the food but the quality of food that is produced from it.


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